Friday 30 January 2009

Sam the Biter

Sam went back to school after a 2.5 week long break. Today brought in-laws when sending him to the playgroup, since next week they'll have to send Sam when I go to work.

As we leave Sam started crying, as expected. Actually, I had thought the teacher would have to pry him from my shoulders, but surprisingly Sam understood he's supposed to go to school, he just didn't want to. Hence he cried all the way when he got down from my arms and walked into the classroom himself, by which time I've left hurriedly since the crying really got to me.

So when I went to fetch Sam 2 hrs later, I was half expecting the teacher to tell me Sam's cried for 2 hrs non-stop.

Instead, I got my 1st complaint: Sam had bitten another classmate in school!!!!!

Apparently, he was playing amiciably with another girl in class. Next moment the teacher knew, the poor girl was crying loudly, as Sam had bitten her on the stomach! Apparently the teeth marks were painfully clear, & the bitten area was a bit blue-black. So the girl's parents were notified who rushed her to the doctor before the end of class.

So now I'm kinda dreading sending Sam to school tomorrow. Possibly the parents of the poor girl would ask us to pay for the doctor's bill (I have no doubt the injury was not serious, since hubby got several such bites), and I'll have to apologise profusely, all the time knowing that while we've repeatedly told Sam not to bite - for fun or in anger - there's no way I can actually control his behaviour in school.

Sam will probably be on the teacher's black list from now on.........well, I suppose the extra attention would do him no harm......... ;P


  1. Waa, u ought to do something abt Sam's biting behaviour lor. If Tiff is the one who kanna bitten, i sure scold the parents until upside down for not teaching the child! Very heartpain de ah to see the child being bullied in school.

  2. hey, I can talk to Sam till my mouth goes dry, but how can I control him when he's out of my sight? Even when I'm with him at home it's not as though he listens to me so well..........

    Anyway, this is the 1st time Sam's bitten someone else besides his daddy & grandmother. He's never shown any tendency to bite other children when he was playing with his cousins or my friends' children, so I never expected that from him in school.........
