Monday, 19 January 2009

Sam Still Sick

Brought Sam to the paediatrician again this morning, cos his fever is still recurring (every 12 hrs on average), his nose is still running (greenish mucus now), and he's still coughing to clear the phlegm in his throat. Dr Ong prescribed a whole new batch of medicine plus antibiotics, since Sam's already been down for a week already. Hopefully he'll get better by CNY..........

This means Sam can't go to playgroup this week! And I'll be stuck at home too!!!!!!! Urgh!!!!!!

But hee, since I don't have the number to Sam's playgroup yet, I'm planning to drop over (without Sam, of course) tomorrow to inform the teachers of Sam's condition. Hopefully I'll have a bit of time to shop for 2 more tops for CNY & a new pencil case for my new job.

Yes, I've got a job! It's a part time job, as a 'tour faciliator'. Basically, it's like being a tour guide, but only to upper primary & lower secondary school students, introducing them to cultural & historical tours. This Thurs will be starting my 1st training........a lot of training to be done before can conduct the tours. Thank goodness Mummy can help me out!!!!!

Looking forward to this Thurs, already gotten my file & paper & bag ready, the 1st 2 batches of training on WWII, not my fav, but can't wait for the sculpture tours in March & April........

Now Sam can't go to school, it's a real pain in the neck, hopefully Mummy can handle him & all the medicine feeding..........


  1. Hope Sam gets well soon! All the best to your new job!

  2. Thanks, Margarette! Sam's responding well to the new medicine & antibiotics, hopefully he'll be totally well by CNY!

    hee, me can't wait to go to work tomorrow!!!!
