Why did I bother to cook a balanced meal of brocolli & egg fried rice for Sam when he doesn't appreciate it??????
Next time I'll just stick to buying him outside food for lunch & save my effort on cutting, cooking & washing up!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Little Einsteins Craze
Me very sick & tired of watching the 2 Little Einsteins vcds we have at home.
Sam is in a Little Einsteins craze: except for the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, he refused to watch any of the other usual programs on the Playhouse Disney channel in the afternoons. Kept asking for the 'pet, pet, pet', his way of saying the Little Einsteins.
Thanks to the Astro gold card crisis 2 months ago, when we couldn't access our tv programs for 3 days, Sam has learnt that it is possible for the dvd player to screen shows on demand. And now he's demanded 3 days in a row to watch Little Einsteins!
If this goes on, I'll be able to memorise the 5 episodes on the 2 vcds!!
The only consolation is that, Sam does seem to be adsorbing the content: yesterday he was booming along the beginning of the theme for the bad orge in the Firebird episode, & he's showing great interest when the Quincy character drums.
But for me personally, I'm gonna try grab hold of another dvd of the Little Einsteins this weekend during the megasale. I need some variety even if Sam doesn't!!!!
Sam is in a Little Einsteins craze: except for the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, he refused to watch any of the other usual programs on the Playhouse Disney channel in the afternoons. Kept asking for the 'pet, pet, pet', his way of saying the Little Einsteins.
Thanks to the Astro gold card crisis 2 months ago, when we couldn't access our tv programs for 3 days, Sam has learnt that it is possible for the dvd player to screen shows on demand. And now he's demanded 3 days in a row to watch Little Einsteins!
If this goes on, I'll be able to memorise the 5 episodes on the 2 vcds!!
The only consolation is that, Sam does seem to be adsorbing the content: yesterday he was booming along the beginning of the theme for the bad orge in the Firebird episode, & he's showing great interest when the Quincy character drums.
But for me personally, I'm gonna try grab hold of another dvd of the Little Einsteins this weekend during the megasale. I need some variety even if Sam doesn't!!!!
Mum's the Word,
Sam Up to Something
Monday, 21 July 2008
The Incident in the Bathtub
Yes, the dreaded thing I've read in other mothers' blog had happened to me!
Sam pooped in the bathtub during his bath!!!
Was bathing Sam when I noticed his release of smelly gas. Since he hadn't pooped for nearly 2 days, I just asked him off the top of my head whether he wants to poo-poo.
To my surprise, he nodded, then squatted, and in less than 30 seconds, out came the poo!!!!!!!
There was still water & his bath toys in the tub after he did his deed! Luckily I broke out of my horror trance quickly enough to fish out the toys before the contaminated water spread........
Then have to fish out Sam & wash him clean again, all the while stopping him trying to reach into the baby bathtub to touch & splash water on the poop!
And of course, after drying & clothing Sam, have to clean out the tub, barely 6 hrs after the maid had scrubbed it!
My only consolation: thank goodness Sam's poop that day was a good long solid piece & not a soft squashy mess!!!!!!!! ;P
Sam pooped in the bathtub during his bath!!!
Was bathing Sam when I noticed his release of smelly gas. Since he hadn't pooped for nearly 2 days, I just asked him off the top of my head whether he wants to poo-poo.
To my surprise, he nodded, then squatted, and in less than 30 seconds, out came the poo!!!!!!!
There was still water & his bath toys in the tub after he did his deed! Luckily I broke out of my horror trance quickly enough to fish out the toys before the contaminated water spread........
Then have to fish out Sam & wash him clean again, all the while stopping him trying to reach into the baby bathtub to touch & splash water on the poop!
And of course, after drying & clothing Sam, have to clean out the tub, barely 6 hrs after the maid had scrubbed it!
My only consolation: thank goodness Sam's poop that day was a good long solid piece & not a soft squashy mess!!!!!!!! ;P
Mum's the Word,
Sam Up to Something
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Anyway, we were telling the friendly waitress Sam's our 'little emperor'. So when later the waitress noticed Sam sitting like this, she jokingly commented on the "大爷" pose. And the fact that luckily he's a boy to be sitting so freely!
Sam Up to Something
Friday, 18 July 2008
Sam Injured His Finger!
Naughty Sam was supposed to be scribbling with pen on paper, but he decided to explore poking the pen on the paper instead, despite his father's urgings not to.
Before long, not only did he managed to pockmark the table top (ie. we'll be forced to pay for that piece of furniture at the end of rental), he's also drove the pen tip into his finger nail, drawing blood.
So mummy stopped watching her fav tv show to the sudden loud urgings of panicky & angry daddy, & arrived at the scene of crime to see daddy putting pressure on the wound of sobbing & bewildered Sam.
Mummy fetched cotton pads to soak up the drops of blood, and applied Dettol cream to the wound. Sam cried in the process, but I think it's more a reaction to my continuous stream of "serve-you-right". ;P
Anyway, after covering the fingertip with band-aid, Sam consciously moved around with his left forefinger raised, but was otherwise his old self again:
Before long, not only did he managed to pockmark the table top (ie. we'll be forced to pay for that piece of furniture at the end of rental), he's also drove the pen tip into his finger nail, drawing blood.
So mummy stopped watching her fav tv show to the sudden loud urgings of panicky & angry daddy, & arrived at the scene of crime to see daddy putting pressure on the wound of sobbing & bewildered Sam.
Mummy fetched cotton pads to soak up the drops of blood, and applied Dettol cream to the wound. Sam cried in the process, but I think it's more a reaction to my continuous stream of "serve-you-right". ;P
Anyway, after covering the fingertip with band-aid, Sam consciously moved around with his left forefinger raised, but was otherwise his old self again:
Can see the white dots on the poor wooden tea table???????
P.S. Band-aid dropped off the next day after his bath. Finger tip still a bit red (from the wound) & blue (from the pen ink), but Sam is using his finger like nothing had happened. Though he still remembered the incident & still 'talking' about it.........
Sam Up to Something
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
An Pee & Poo Incident in Nursing Room
Had a don't-know-how-to-describe-it time at the nursing room in Isetan KLCC yesterday. Halfway through the shopping, Sam started frantically pulling on his diaper, & even agreed to a diaper change. I thought he's complaining his diaper is too tight or wet, so I took my own sweet time, went to toilet myself 1st, then brought him to the nursing room's diaper change station.
After I took the very wet diaper off Sam, he proceeded to squat down on the diaper station & look at his little 'chick'. I didn't want him to start touching it, so offered him a drink of water in the paper cup, which he accepted & asked for refill.
Then while I was getting the refill, he peed on the diaper station! I gave a little scream of shock, then had to tell Sam what a good boy he was for peeing, since didn't want him to think peeing is a wrong thing to do. And when I was gathering paper towels to clean up the pee, he peed again, this time a great long pee, emptying his bladder (or so I thought then).
So after utilizing tons of paper towels & wet wipes to clean up the diaper station, I thought I could finally put a new diaper on Sam. But no, he was still in the squatting position, this time a concentrated look on his face. So I stuffed the new diaper under him & started making "em-em" sounds to encourage him to poo.
Which he did!!! And of course, not all the poo fell on the diaper, so I ended up having to clean poo off the diaper station too. Then, while I was wiping Sam's backside clean (with him standing up, since he isn't always willing to lie down for diaper change), he peed again!
After cleaning up the same diaper station 4 times in a row, I was glad to be able to leave the place!! Am I grateful for the well-kept nursing room!!!!!
Looks like I better start thinking seriously about toilet training Sam..........but he seems to poo better squatting down than sitting on the toilet seat! Looks like more research needed.........
After I took the very wet diaper off Sam, he proceeded to squat down on the diaper station & look at his little 'chick'. I didn't want him to start touching it, so offered him a drink of water in the paper cup, which he accepted & asked for refill.
Then while I was getting the refill, he peed on the diaper station! I gave a little scream of shock, then had to tell Sam what a good boy he was for peeing, since didn't want him to think peeing is a wrong thing to do. And when I was gathering paper towels to clean up the pee, he peed again, this time a great long pee, emptying his bladder (or so I thought then).
So after utilizing tons of paper towels & wet wipes to clean up the diaper station, I thought I could finally put a new diaper on Sam. But no, he was still in the squatting position, this time a concentrated look on his face. So I stuffed the new diaper under him & started making "em-em" sounds to encourage him to poo.
Which he did!!! And of course, not all the poo fell on the diaper, so I ended up having to clean poo off the diaper station too. Then, while I was wiping Sam's backside clean (with him standing up, since he isn't always willing to lie down for diaper change), he peed again!
After cleaning up the same diaper station 4 times in a row, I was glad to be able to leave the place!! Am I grateful for the well-kept nursing room!!!!!
Looks like I better start thinking seriously about toilet training Sam..........but he seems to poo better squatting down than sitting on the toilet seat! Looks like more research needed.........
Sam Up to Something
Weekday Getaway a.k.a. The Great 28 hr Electric Breakdown
Just had a most tiring 28 hrs: our home had been without electricity for 28 long hours!!!!!!!
The problem started on Sunday night 8:30pm. Sam had already fallen asleep, so when the aircon had stopped, I ended up fanning him manually, since he was in long sleeves pyjamas.
In an attempt to get some breeze into our home, we opened all the windows. Then we realised belatedly this was an open invitation to mosquitoes! And to our dismay, while the solid-based mosquito repellents we use smell strongly of citronella, the mosquitoes still happily buzzed around our ears through the night. Of course, we had no chance to test our Baygon electric mosquito repellent. ;P
I ended up using the small battery operated fan bought for Sam's pram on him for the night. Unfortunately, the spinning lights of the fan kept Sam awake, & each set of 2 AA batteries only lasted for about 3 hrs, meaning I had to perform a battery change involving screwdriver by a night light at 4:30 am in the morning!
By Monday morning, I had black panda eyes, Sam & hubby were obviously suffering from lack of sleep. Not to mention all 3 of us were covered in mosquito bites! But still there was no electricity, so no hot coffee or milo for our breakfast. We were told the substation's transformer & switchboard were burnt out, & the spare parts will only arrive after 1pm that day.
After Sam got off playschool, I brought him to KLCC's baby room for his nap, since the house would be like a furnace without aircon. He ended with only 30 min sleep there, thanks to the play of other children.
Then he had the time of his life, playing in Isetan's kid section & squeezing on Thomas the Train with 3 other children (all whom rather share the train than get off it), all the time having my full attention since I had no other agenda for the day!
After dinner at 7pm, there was STILL no electricity. I refused to go through another night in the house, so we packed an overnighter (by torchlight again) & went off to Mandarin Oriental for a weekday getaway!
Finally, this morning, found out the electricity was restored since last night, or rather, at 12:30 am this Tues. So it was checkout (after a good buffet breakfast of course!) & end of the getaway!!!!!
This is the 2nd time the substation broke down during our 1 yr plus stay here! Last time if occurred in the daytime, & they fixed the problem in half the day. This occurance is the longest breakdown ever! I hope we won't kena another one in our remaining time here. I can't tahan a city life without electricity or clean water!!!!!!!!
The problem started on Sunday night 8:30pm. Sam had already fallen asleep, so when the aircon had stopped, I ended up fanning him manually, since he was in long sleeves pyjamas.
In an attempt to get some breeze into our home, we opened all the windows. Then we realised belatedly this was an open invitation to mosquitoes! And to our dismay, while the solid-based mosquito repellents we use smell strongly of citronella, the mosquitoes still happily buzzed around our ears through the night. Of course, we had no chance to test our Baygon electric mosquito repellent. ;P
I ended up using the small battery operated fan bought for Sam's pram on him for the night. Unfortunately, the spinning lights of the fan kept Sam awake, & each set of 2 AA batteries only lasted for about 3 hrs, meaning I had to perform a battery change involving screwdriver by a night light at 4:30 am in the morning!
By Monday morning, I had black panda eyes, Sam & hubby were obviously suffering from lack of sleep. Not to mention all 3 of us were covered in mosquito bites! But still there was no electricity, so no hot coffee or milo for our breakfast. We were told the substation's transformer & switchboard were burnt out, & the spare parts will only arrive after 1pm that day.
After Sam got off playschool, I brought him to KLCC's baby room for his nap, since the house would be like a furnace without aircon. He ended with only 30 min sleep there, thanks to the play of other children.
Then he had the time of his life, playing in Isetan's kid section & squeezing on Thomas the Train with 3 other children (all whom rather share the train than get off it), all the time having my full attention since I had no other agenda for the day!
After dinner at 7pm, there was STILL no electricity. I refused to go through another night in the house, so we packed an overnighter (by torchlight again) & went off to Mandarin Oriental for a weekday getaway!
Finally, this morning, found out the electricity was restored since last night, or rather, at 12:30 am this Tues. So it was checkout (after a good buffet breakfast of course!) & end of the getaway!!!!!
This is the 2nd time the substation broke down during our 1 yr plus stay here! Last time if occurred in the daytime, & they fixed the problem in half the day. This occurance is the longest breakdown ever! I hope we won't kena another one in our remaining time here. I can't tahan a city life without electricity or clean water!!!!!!!!
Mum's the Word
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Sam Back To School!
Sam finally well enough to go back to school!!!!! Ya!!!!!
Me so stretched out with him at home these few days, I got VERY short tempered: this morning, got irritated by the pram he left blocking the walkway, I pushed the pram hard to vent my anger, & it knocked into the standing fan, causing the fan to fall & the blade to break!
Luckily the blade was plastic, so no harm caused..................
Hope my temper will cool down soon................
Me so stretched out with him at home these few days, I got VERY short tempered: this morning, got irritated by the pram he left blocking the walkway, I pushed the pram hard to vent my anger, & it knocked into the standing fan, causing the fan to fall & the blade to break!
Luckily the blade was plastic, so no harm caused..................
Hope my temper will cool down soon................
Mum's the Word,
Sam Up to Something
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Sick Sam = Tired Mummy
Very sleepy now, but still couldn't get Sam to nap.
Don't understand why he's still not sleepy after taking the medicine!!!!!
This time Sam got "early pneumonia", according to Dr Lee. Got a shot of antibiotics at the clinic, plus 6 days worth to consume at home. And a letter for the A&E in case his situation got worse over the weekend. Costs RM$388 this time round. Lucky can claim!
Lucky now his fever seems to have dropped. Yesterday night when his fever went up to 39 degC I nearly wanted to bring him to the A&E as instructed by the doctor. Luckily hubby was too sleepy to get up, & the fever went down after I turned up the aircon.
So I didn't sleep much last night: whenever Sam tossed in the bed till he's wedged next to a pillow, I have to get up & push him back to the centre of the bed, so that his body heat doesn't accumulate.
Now worrying abt his decreased appetite. He's already a round thinner at the waist, with obviously loose diapers.
And also worrying about how to get him to eat his next round of flu med, phlegm med & fever med. Still nursing a headache from getting Sam to eat his antibiotics just now...............
Don't understand why he's still not sleepy after taking the medicine!!!!!
This time Sam got "early pneumonia", according to Dr Lee. Got a shot of antibiotics at the clinic, plus 6 days worth to consume at home. And a letter for the A&E in case his situation got worse over the weekend. Costs RM$388 this time round. Lucky can claim!
Lucky now his fever seems to have dropped. Yesterday night when his fever went up to 39 degC I nearly wanted to bring him to the A&E as instructed by the doctor. Luckily hubby was too sleepy to get up, & the fever went down after I turned up the aircon.
So I didn't sleep much last night: whenever Sam tossed in the bed till he's wedged next to a pillow, I have to get up & push him back to the centre of the bed, so that his body heat doesn't accumulate.
Now worrying abt his decreased appetite. He's already a round thinner at the waist, with obviously loose diapers.
And also worrying about how to get him to eat his next round of flu med, phlegm med & fever med. Still nursing a headache from getting Sam to eat his antibiotics just now...............
Mum's the Word,
Sam Up to Something
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