Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Sam's Photo of Me

This is a photo Sam took of me when he was playing with my hp yesterday.
He loves playing with our camera phones: he's learnt that the screen kept changing images, & that pressing on the centre joystick would create a "ka-cha" sound, which always makes him squeal in delight.
Anyway, I've taken the hp from him just after this pic was taken, & I showed Sam his handiwork. He pointed to my partial image and said: "Maa........Mee......"
I was elated!!!!! 1st time I heard him call me Mummy clearly!!!!!!!!! And all this for a photo in which I can't even see my facial features!!!!!!

Monday, 14 April 2008

Bath Toy of the Day

Past few days Sam has been bringing a toy car for his bath. I would tell him "it's time to 'bong bong'", and he'll go pick up a particular car & bring it into the bathtub, & it would follow him all the way till he's fully dried & dressed.

Today, the favoured car is from MegaBlock's Counting Bus collection:
This wasn't a very good choice, though, cos the blocks kept falling apart when Sam tries to use his car to scoop up water, & the blocks can't be reattached when they're full of water.

Of course, Sam didn't understand this, so he understandably got rather short-tempered with his uncooperative toy. Mummy here had to help put back the blocks thrice during the 15 min affair.

And yes, one of the blocks must be jutting out of the car base as shown in the photo. Doesn't matter if it's the green or the yellow block, but the relative positions must be maintained. Yes, Sam has reached that particular stage of his life...................

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Showers are Not to be Taken For Granted

I've had an audience of at least 1 to my shower 'show' 6 times this week: that's 5 full attendance & 2 half attendance, ie. my Sam left the bathroom before I've finished my daily ritual.

It's really very irritating, not to have the bathroom to myself for just 30 min a day. All I'm asking for is some time to R&R while cleaning myself, & perhaps beauty up a bit. Is that too much to ask for????

The bathroom isn't that big after all, with only a single entrance. Sam takes his bath there too. Where on earth does he think I'm gonna disappear to????????? Why must he make such a big hu-ha the moment I declare my intention to take my shower? After all, he's been fed & napped, he doesn't really need me. And if I sneak off to shower while his attention is distracted by the tv or his play, the results' even worse: he'll come crying his head off to the bathroom & refuse to leave thereafter.

Today, he actually came into the bathroom while I was undressing, then proceeded to close the door behind him. When his daddy attempted to come get him, he pushed the door back close before it was 2 inches wide! So my hubby gave up & left him with me, instead of risking Sam's (& his own) fingers in the bathroom door tug-a-war.

Hence, I spent the 1st 5 min of my shower keeping my eye of the toddler babbling on the bathroom mat, while I worry my usual worries:

- will Sam slide open the shower screen door?
- will he play with the toilet paper roll & make a mess on the floor?
- will he pick the hair off the floor, or worse, some unknown item off the bathroom mat, & put it in his mouth again?
- will he finally succeed in poking his finger into the toilet bowl, and.........(nightmare scenario) put the finger in his mouth?????????????

Today after 5 min my temper went. Lucky Sam seemed to be in a good mood then, he was a good boy & left the bathroom (finally!!!) to play in the bedroom outside, only coming in later to check on me when he heard the water stop running.

Kinda miss the old days, when my showers are only restricted by how tired I am after work to pamper myself...............

Ok, well, I don't really miss those times that much............still, it is much better to have the bathroom to oneself!

Friday, 11 April 2008

The Painting Saga Continues......

Sam's painting saga continues in his 1st week back in playschool:
Green watermelon on 10th April 2008.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

The Consequences of Not Eating Lunch?

Sam hadn't napped well for 2 days already. Today he only managed abt 40 min.

Wonder if it's because he didn't eat any lunch in school, & hence was too hungry nap for long.

As a result, he was dead tired by evening, & made a big hoo-haa when I tried to take my shower. He cried & hung on to me & won't let go. I resorted to slipping from under him (literally) while he was trying to sit on my lap, then ran to the bathroom, with Sam crying & chasing after me. In the end, I provided a showering show for Sam, who stood in the bathroom the whole time waiting for me to finish! I had the quickest shower I've ever made, cos didn't know when Sam would get bored & started playing with the toilet bowl or the toilet mat!

Poor hubby tried to entice Sam to follow him out the bathroom with his fav toy car, but Sam only took the car & pushed his daddy away!!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Blog Diary - March 2008

26 March 08
Edited the Facebook profile badge on the sidebar, so that can display my latest photos in Facebook.

13 March 08
Backposted my 12/3/08 blog on "My 1st Nail Art". Had been too lazy to transfer photos from hp to computer........ ;P

4 March 08
Back posted my 28/2/08 Drama Mama blog on "Coffee Prince". Took a @#&*$% long time to find a suitable YouTube video.......

1 March 08
Changed the titles "My Links" & "Websites I Go To" to "My Life on the Net" & "My Daily Cuppa" respectively. Thought this looks more 'cool'! ;)

Logs from Jan & Feb 08 are posted to the blog.

Another Bad Night

One of those 'hellish' nights yesterday: Sam woke up every 2 hrs for milk.

Irritating thing is, sometimes he didn't indicate he wanted milk, so I spent several frustrating minutes trying to cajole him to sleep by holding his hand, by which time he got irritated & started kicking & crying. That got me angry, having to deal with a screaming toddler in the middle of the night, so ended up slapping his kicking legs. Sam will then whimper, whimper & cuddle up to me, and then he'll indicate he wants milk (by pressing his hand on my breast).

Why couldn't he have done that in the 1st place?????????!!!!!!!!!

Tonight plan to banish hubby to the guestroom. King size bed is still too d#$%$^& small for co-sleeping with Sam in between us, I now have a stiff right shoulder from having < 1 pillow width space for sleeping last night!

Monday, 7 April 2008

School Started Finally!

Have finally survived the 2.5 weeks of school holidays, during which hubby was on business trip half the time, which means I was the only one stuck with him all this time!

Well, ok, I got the part time maid to baby sit him for an hr everyday for the last week, so that I could shower with peace of mind. Not that it worked for the 1st day: he still opened the bathroom door while I was showering, & it was quite embarrassing for the babysitter to have to come to the door to grab the crying Sam.

Luckily, by the end of the week, Sam was familiar enough with the routine to be willing to play with Ada at home, instead of having her bring the crying boy outdoors to see the birds & squirrels.

Anyway, as expected, Sam cried through his 1st day back at school. Didn't eat anything in school either, not even the yogurt drink I prepared for him.

Sigh! Think it'll take the rest of this week for Sam to get use to the new routine again.......

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Sleeping Sam

Sam so tired from his trip to Great Eastern Mall, he fell asleep in his car seat (a first!) on the 20min ride home.
Didn't even budge after I switched off the engine & closed the car door!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Sam with His Pram

Made the mistake of going to Toy City (Great Eastern Mall branch) to find a non-car kind of toy for Sam. Though ended up getting a musical toy piano & a puzzle race track with battery operated car (yes, I know, still cars. Thought the puzzle track would be something different for Sam, turns out he's more interested in the On/Off switch on the car), Sam refused to leave the shop, was happily playing with all the tricycles there.

So I resigned myself to buying a pink double sitter doll's pram at RM$35.90 for Sam to push around. Had wanted to get one of those doll's shopping trolleys, but the shop no longer stocked the item.

So little boy Sam happily did pushed his pram, into & out the lift, across the shopping mall, around the O'Briens while I ordered, and even fussily made sure I folded & kept the pram near him when we sat & ate our lunch!

Now the pram is in the boot of our car, ready for its next job when we bring Sam out shopping.......