I've had an audience of at least 1 to my shower 'show' 6 times this week: that's 5 full attendance & 2 half attendance, ie. my Sam left the bathroom before I've finished my daily ritual.
It's really very irritating, not to have the bathroom to myself for just 30 min a day. All I'm asking for is some time to R&R while cleaning myself, & perhaps beauty up a bit. Is that too much to ask for????
The bathroom isn't that big after all, with only a single entrance. Sam takes his bath there too. Where on earth does he think I'm gonna disappear to????????? Why must he make such a big hu-ha the moment I declare my intention to take my shower? After all, he's been fed & napped, he doesn't really
need me. And if I sneak off to shower while his attention is distracted by the tv or his play, the results' even worse: he'll come crying his head off to the bathroom & refuse to leave thereafter.
Today, he actually came into the bathroom while I was undressing, then proceeded to close the door behind him. When his daddy attempted to come get him, he pushed the door back close before it was 2 inches wide! So my hubby gave up & left him with me, instead of risking Sam's (& his own) fingers in the bathroom door tug-a-war.
Hence, I spent the 1st 5 min of my shower keeping my eye of the toddler babbling on the bathroom mat, while I worry my usual worries:
- will Sam slide open the shower screen door?
- will he play with the toilet paper roll & make a mess on the floor?
- will he pick the hair off the floor, or worse, some unknown item off the bathroom mat, & put it in his mouth again?
- will he finally succeed in poking his finger into the toilet bowl, and.........(nightmare scenario) put the finger in his mouth?????????????
Today after 5 min my temper went. Lucky Sam seemed to be in a good mood then, he was a good boy & left the bathroom (finally!!!) to play in the bedroom outside, only coming in later to check on me when he heard the water stop running.
Kinda miss the old days, when my showers are only restricted by how tired I am after work to pamper myself...............
Ok, well, I don't really miss those times
that much............still, it is
much better to have the bathroom to oneself!