Thursday 29 November 2007

Going Nuts!

I'm going crazy facing my Sam from morning to night..........there's no one else at home to play with him, so he keeps looking for me, but I need my own time to relax!
After expending my efforts on cooking for him, trying to feed him n trying to get him to nap, I really need to sit & relax & watch my tv or read my book, both of which are impossible cos the activities don't include the bored toddler!

I feel quite guilty when I saw the little fellow looking right & left on his own red chair for something to do, but after playing with him for like 10 min, I wish he could simply play on his own. I mean, why on earth does he need me to watch him arrange his bottles in a row??????

I even have to be in the same room as him when he's so d$#%^ irritating to have a toddler hanging at the kitchen entrance (kitchen is a no-no boundary for him) when this poor cook is trying to cook up something delicious & new with 2 teaspoon of rice.
And then having to stop his efforts of attracting my attention by throwing his toys into the kitchen while I try to make sure the dish doesn't burn.

ARGH!!!!!!!!! And why isn't he speaking yet??????!!!!!!!!
I'm getting fed up with all his finger pointing, & feel so stupid holding both sides of the conversation when he babbles at me!

Why can't human babies be like baby fish: capable to fending for themselves from birth & don't need their mummies??????????

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